3 Costly Mistakes Baseball Players Make in Season and How to Fix Them
Most high school baseball players are trying to do a good thing by getting in the weightroom, but in attempt to do the right thing they are actually causing more harm than good.
Here are 3 mistakes I see way too many baseball players making in the weight room and how to overcome them.
1)Too much chest work.
Their pecs are strong enough. They need to train their rotator cuff, rhomboids, and lower traps more. The problem is that most males want the front side of their bodies to look better, so they do more bench press, triceps, and push ups. Softball players see what the baseball players do, and follow suit.
If you want to throw harder, hit further, and stay injury free, stop training so much on the front side of your body and start activating and strengthening the backside.
2) Too much shoulder work.
The deltoid (the big muscle that wraps from the front to back-side of shoulder) is known as a “bully muscle”. It takes over and does not allow the rotator cuff and lower traps to do their job. The more overhead pressing, front/side raises, and incline bench press you do, the less and less the rotator cuff will do its very important job (make you throw harder, but also decelerate your throw so you don’t tear anything). Take a break from the overhead pressing and bench pressing. 1 day per week max of that.
3) Too much lat work.
The lats are the “bat-wings” underneath your armpits. They get stronger when you do pull ups, chins ups, and lat pull downs. The problem with the lats is the same as the pecs and shoulders. They are already strong and when they get too strong, they take over the rotator cuff, rhomboids, and lower traps!
The result of training like this is tightness in the wrong muscles and weakness in the ones you want to be strong. The result is high risk of rotator cuff tear and/or elbow injury.
3 Ways to Keep Performance High and Injury LOW in Season
1)Maintain Body Weight
Many athletes enter their season, stop lifting weights, start exerting more energy and burning more calories, and consequently lose weight and muscle mass.
Playoffs hit, and they are in the worst shape they have physically been in all year.
Make sure you up your sleep quality and increase calories in season- particularly the QUALITY of calories going in.
2) Commit to Mini-Sessions
Out of season it is important to hit 60-75 minute training sessions. In season, you are busy and overworked. However you understand the importance of working out in season, so it is key to find a balance. 30 minute sessions 2-3 days per week is all you need to maintain your strength and power in-season.
Example: Warm up/Foam Rolling/Soft-Tissue Care- 5 minutes Core Work- 5 minutes Arm and Hip Care- 5 min 4 strength exercises broken up into 2 supersets- 15 min I.E. 1a) Deadlift 2-3 sets of 5 reps 1b) TRX Row 2-3 sets 10 reps
2a) DB Step Ups 2-3 sets 5 reps 2b) KB Press 2-3 sets 5 reps
3) Stop Conditioning
The quickest way to lose muscle mass is to run, bike, and do other forms of high-volume conditioning. You will not gain any stamina or benefit from doing this, especially in-season. As a baseball or softball player, your most important task is to stay strong, powerful, and injury free. No running or conditioning in-season, deal?
If this article helped, please share it with other baseball players and parents. I want to cut down on the injuries our baseball players are facing and help them perform at peak-potential.
Dedicated to your baseball player’s success,
Coach Andrew