A New Movement is Happening. Parents & Coaches, this is an absolute MUST-READ.
A new movement. (Read through to the end, you won’t want to miss 4 mega chances to grow)
Equipping. How do you know for sure your son, daughter, or players are being equipped versus just told what to do? How do we know they will be able to not only handle, but be able to thrive throughout the ups and downs of sports and life?
Our vision has always been to see student-athletes gain the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to be able to lead themselves extraordinarily well long before they would have been able to otherwise.
If you think about it, isn't it true that most kids are told what to do, told how to think or not think, told how to feel or not feel, and told how to act or not act?
“Think positive thoughts Johnny. Focus on the good Sarah. Stop beating yourself up Sally. Control between the ears Spencer. Do better Joe!”
It is all done in love and with good intent, but many of our tactics are not actually equipping them. It is likely that if your children continue on the common path, they will be ill-equipped to lead themselves extraordinarily well.
Most people have not and sadly will never learn how to: 1) control and choose their thoughts, 2) harness their emotions, 3) find empowering meanings, and 4) take courageous actions. This is all of us, not just kids.
Last Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm, there was a shift that happened. It kicked off a movement.
For the first time in many of their lives, more than 200 high school and college aged students felt capable of doing this. It went beyond just an intellectual understanding.
They truly believed they were more than just an athlete
They felt empowered to take action
They knew with absolute certainty that moving forward they would be able to overcome any challenging circumstance, be it a difficult coach, an injury, or any other setback
There were tears, there were lightbulbs that went off, and there were decisions made. But, this was only the beginning. We are what we repeatedly do. If we fail to continue taking definitive actions to help our kids master their mindset and take back control, they will fall right back into old habits. You can watch the replay here.
Gaining and sustaining momentum. It is one thing to get momentum, it is another thing to keep it and grow it. Over the couple weeks and months we are doubling down on this movement to help your athlete Take Back Control of their mindset, their emotions, and their decisions. Taking back control means courage, resiliency, and confidence like never before. We are going to do this through: 1. Mindset Workshops- powerful, immersive equipping opportunities for teenagers and college students. The curriculum will include Mindset Coaching to Prepare for a Big Game, Mindset Coaching for When Things Don't Going as Planned, Mindset Coaching to Overcome Doubt or Fear, Mindset Coaching to Handle the Pressure and Rise Above, Mindset Coaching for Leadership, and more. Keep a lookout for when registration opens up- enrollment window will be tight. 2. Video and audio teachings for student-athletes, non-athletes, coaches, and parents- subscribe to our YouTube Channel here 3. A New, Transformational Book. The impact of this one (mainly because of all the people who will be contributing) is going to be 10X that of The Youth Truth. More to come on this. 4. Equipping Parents: Free Zoom Call Tuesday June 21 at 7:30 pm. Sports Psychologist Ryan Defibaugh, Teen Trauma Counselor and Psychotherapist Sal Schittino, and myself will be doing a call with any parent who wants to know how to identify warning signs and how to best help and support their kids in this crazy world. It will be 100% Q&A format. These incredible professionals charge hundreds of dollars an hour and have agreed to offer up their time to help us! Register here. And this is only the beginning. You are doing a great job mom, dad, coach. We are here for you. Stay with us, this is going to be a fun ride. Dedicated to your child's joy, confidence, and success, Coach Andrew Simpson