4 Ways to Make the MOST of Christmas
This was my dad opening up his brand new smoker Christmas morning of last year.
I had no clue that last Christmas, 2017, would be the last Christmas I got to spend with my dad. April of 2018 he was diagnosed with cancer. November 14, 2018, he completed his work on this earth.
You never know if this will be the last Christmas or the last holiday you get to spend with a certain loved one. A grandparent, a parent, a sibling, an aunt, an uncle. I want to share four simple but powerful ways to have zero regrets and make the most of Christmas 2018.
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4 Ways to Make the MOST of Christmas
If you want to make the most of this Christmas, put your cell phones away and on airplane mode. You are already with the people who would absolutely need to contact you, so we can’t use the “emergency excuse.”
Designate one or two times if you must for a 5 minute cell phone break (this makes me laugh just writing it...like a smoke break...cell phone addiction is REAL!)
Instead of just co-existing in the same house, make sure to engage in meaningful conversations. Full engagement is something I am working on right now.
Ask questions that you would ask if you knew this were the last day ever seeing these people you are with. #noregrets
Interview your grandma. Ask dad about his childhood. Have a latte with your cousin whom you do not know much about.
Play board games and engage in fun, play, and laughs. Games create memories.
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Intentionally reflect on past Christmases. Talk about the ridiculous gifts that were purchased. The memories of crazy Aunt Suzy burning the ham or the tree. (Christmas Vacation style)
If you do not remember the memories, ask your parents, siblings, or relatives about their favorite memories. Keep the memories alive by reflecting.
4. CREATION [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
Recognize that it is up to YOU to make new memories. To create memories that you will talk about next Christmas and the ones following.
IMPORTANT: [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
Stay up until two in the morning with your parents. Drink a cup of espresso at 4 pm (even if you have a weird rule like me that says NO CAFFEINE after 12 noon).
Play a game of touch football outside in the cold, knowing that it won’t kill ya. Organize some fun game. Do a memorial candle lighting for someone who has passed on. Play charades.
If you don’t create it, who will?
Remember that this Christmas has INFINITE value. Next year you could be missing an important member of your family. There may be an empty chair.
The memories that you create this year MATTER. Way more than your cell phone, your weird rules, and yes, even your sleep ;-)
Merry Christmas to you and your family. If you do not celebrate Christmas, Happy Holiday’s to you and your family.
Make the most of today. Engage, reflect, and most importantly, CREATE!
Grateful for you,
Andrew and the PFP Team