Athleticism is the LEAST of an Athlete's Concern?
We had an athlete recently tell us that he had purposefully started making better eye contact with adults and began focusing on stronger handshakes as a results of one of our motivational messages.
A 17 year old high-school girl who has Attention Deficit Disorder started doing “30 minute power-blocks” for studying and homework as a result of a message.
We talked with her about how ADD could actually be a strength with a more positive outlook. “People with ADD can hyper focus for short periods of time better than most can.”
So, she started setting a timer and doing school work for just 30 minutes at a time. Her stress has gone down with the improved study habits.
This week at PFP we are dialing in on excuse making and blame-shifting. “Retire from the Blame Game, Overcome Your Excuse Making Mindset”.
We have some solid success stories and metaphors we are using to teach this lesson and transform the mindset of hopefully 100+ student-athletes this week.
I find it really encouraging that many of you are supporters of the fact that we take 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each session to train the “mental game”. We realize that’s between 8%-16.67% of the session.
(Part of our mission is to inspire other athlete performance coaches and sports coaches in general to begin prioritizing real mindset work, not just “mental toughness training”...AKA run until you puke. This is a no brainer, Focus on the root and the fruit will come.)
We believe your child’s speed, agility, strength, and athleticism should be the least of their concerns.
It IS a concern for us, obviously. We have over 55 athletes playing collegiate sports and dozens more committed on scholarships. But it is not the main concern.
Your athlete’s lack of speed, quickness, or physical strength may cause them doubt and frustration until they turn 18 years old due to comparison and expectations of what a high school athlete should be.
Compare that to having an excuse making mentality, an inability to overcome adversity quickly, or a major perfectionist mentality...those things will affect you for your entire lifetime.
This is why we say, “Mindset Matters Most, and Mental Preparation Precedes Peak Physical Performance.”
Trust me, your kid is getting faster and stronger if they are training. But more importantly, they are transforming the way they think. With your support, and the guidance of mentors, teachers, and coaches who care about developing the whole person, your child will continue on the path to becoming the most confident, successful young man or woman they can be.
Dedicated to your athlete’s success,
Coach Andrew and the PFP Team