LEGACY: How do I know mine is GOOD?
This morning I was reminded that just about everything I have will be taken away from me at some point. I was reminded that it is unlikely for me to be the first human being to ever make it out of this thing alive ;-)
JUST ABOUT everything will be taken away, except your LEGACY:
LEGACY: What will you leave behind for others?
1. Possessions: this one matters, but less than the next two. Your finances, materials, house, etc. What you leave behind for your kids, your favorite charities, or others does matter and does make a difference.
2. Your Mission: This one is second most important in my opinion. I think about this often. If I were to die right now, I think at this point my team members and colleagues would want to continue the mission to inspire millions of PEOPLE (adults and youth) everywhere to be more confident, successful, servant leaders in sport and life. I'm literally striving each day to set in motion and keep in motion this pursuit.
A big part of my personal purpose is to restore the youth sports industry to something God is proud of by coaching coaches, parents, and athletes all over the world.
3. Your CHARACTER. Who you were. I believe this one is your supreme legacy.
If you were to die tomorrow, would you be fully confident, content, and joyful in the legacy you are leaving behind?
A few things to consider about your CHARACTER LEGACY:
1. It is the way you spend your time, energy, and attention. Are you giving the best of your time, energy, and attention to the things that truly matter most in life? These are called values.
2. It is the way you use your gifts, talents, and character to help other people. Are you REALLY tapping into the fullness of the gifts God has given you? Do you have a business idea that you know He is calling you to pursue? Do you need to make a tough decision to leave your comfort zone? The life you were always meant to live awaits you.
3. It is the way you show up in the lives of others, love them, serve them, and ultimately treat them. Are you intentionally treating your spouse, your players, your co-workers, your staff the way you yourself would want to be treated?
Just about everyday I read my Mission Statement. I created this four years ago. It serves as both my “Daily Game-plan for Success” as well as my “Out of Bounds Markers”. Since creating it I’ve helped dozens of people create theirs. They say it is a game-changer.
When you know your mission: I.E. who you want to be, how you want to be, and WHY you want to be that way (LEGACY), you are more likely to lived a life aligned with who you are meant to be.
I am going to share my mission statement below. If you have questions about creating yours, or you would like us to help your son or daughter create theirs, reply “MISSION STATEMENT” and we can chat about some upcoming opportunities.
Dedicated to your athlete’s success,
Coach Andrew
P.S. The Love-Powered Leadership Movement is alive and happening. Click on this link to join the movement and stay up to date on how you can be a better Love-Powered-Leader.
Coaches, parents, and youth-influencers are beginning to catch onto the idea of focusing on leading student-athletes with LOVE in all situations because it leads to BETTER performance, more joy, more confidence WITHOUT sacrificing mental health, relationships, injuries, or well-being as a whole. Helping our youth to create their mission statement early on in life is a part of it. Make sure to connect with us about this so we can help your son or daughter create theirs too.
Purpose: To use my gift of leadership to help others reach their full God-given potential and lead the life they were meant to live.
1. Take responsibility for creating love and magic in Daniela and I’s marriage. Lead our family with love like Jesus would.
2. Love and enthusiasm. Bring them wherever I go.
3. Remember I’m never alone. Proceed confidently and courageously in faith.
4. Give my first and BEST hour to God.
5. Fight off harsh, reactive responses. Seek first to understand, then be understood.
6. Think positively. God makes everything work together for good (even if it might not always be what I want).
7. Be content with God’s provision, but never complacent.
8. Never give up on something that matters. Persevere.
9. Be disciplined, consistent, focused. The ones who can do this long term, when it’s hard, monotonous, and boring, are the ones who are victorious.
10. Be in it for the long-haul. In all situations, consider the long-term rather than the short-term gain.
11. Delay gratification despite what the rest of the world tells me. The Law of the Harvest never fails, I will reap what I sow.
12. Be the one. Have difficult conversations anytime it benefits the other person, regardless of how uncomfortable it is for me.
13. Seek counsel on things I do and do not understand, and go out of my way to find help if needed.
14. Recognize and fight my pride everyday of my life.
15. Be available for people.
16. Don’t be lukewarm or double-minded. Be bold and decisive.
17. Be a mentor leader.
18. Aim for Self-Surrendering Service and Obedience. Let my acts lead to significance in His eyes.
Alright, time to write yours! Have some fun with it. Turn on some relaxing music, grab a laptop, and write. You do not want to get to the top of your life ladder and realized it was propped up against the wrong house!!