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June of 2013 is when Player's Fitness and Performance "officially" started.

That was when I started renting space from a fight club where I trained families: youth athletes, college athletes, moms, dads, you name it. I trained everyone (and we still do).

That was almost 7 years ago.

I have never seen anything like this, had to pivot this hard, get this creative, or lean more on my Leader's guidance and wisdom than right now...

But I have also never felt more thankful for you and for the PFP Team. For my family, my wife, and my son.

I want to thank you for continuing to support the PFP mission. By continuing to pay for your membership (full or partial), making donations, and by continuing participate in the Virtual Xperience, you are sowing seeds for the future that will come back to you. That is not my promise, it is God's (way more reliable than mine ;-) ).

From what we have heard thus far, our plans are not changing- we still plan to expand our business in 2021. We have all been called to increase what we have been entrusted with- no virus or economic conditions will stop us from increasing the space, the quality of service, and the fitness experience you and your family receive at PFP. We all need something to look forward to- this is one thing you can look forward to :-)

--> Over the next couple of months you will see more specialty classes (online and offline) that give you exactly what you want and need.

--> You will continue to receive simple and effective at-home workouts, no-cost ways to get your family growing, learning, and moving together, and of course these Daily Fuel Emails

--> You will see a heightened level of service and experience that leaves you feeling even more hopeful, empowered, and energized that ever before.

Why? Because we believe in our hearts that THIS is what we are being called to do. So I ask YOU to continuing supporting the mission AND be fully PRESENT and ENERGIZED when you are on the Live Virtual Xperiences.


So that YOUR light, energy, and positivity combines with that of our PFP Teammates and it rubs off on others to effectively transform their energy and spirit from the inside out. That is how you can be the best PFP family member you can be.

That is a challenge :-)

Now, on to the rest of our regularly scheduled program:

***Note: If you want to test drive the PFP experience for yourself or your kids, your first experience is on us. After that, we have a 1 month trial rate that is a steal for new PFP guests (and we are still offering the Pay What You Can Model).


Check out Coach Steph's Nutrition Tip For You and Your Family!

5 Simple Nutrition Tips (those who respond to tips are always more successful than their counterparts...common sense is not always common practice, but for you today I believe it will be)!

  1. Eat Slow and Chew Your Food Completely

  2. Add Protein To Most Meals

  3. Add Healthy Fat To Most Meals

  4. Add Greens In At Least 2x Per Day (I’d say at every meal and shoot for 5 servings a day. Snack on them!)

  5. Get COLORFUL!! Add As Many Colorful Foods As Possible (Naturally Colorful that is ;)

LAST DAY! COVID-19 Special Offer: Coach Stephanie is offering a Nutrition Accountability Coaching Session for you for just $39 (normally $65) to help you get clarity on your goals and the roadmap to get there. She will help you with whatever you need-- come up with meal plans, hold you accountable, drive to your house and knock bad food out of your hands! Reply to this email to get the hook up, ends today!


Check out Coach Chris's Workout of the Day for YOU!


Begin with the first exercise and complete all ​5​ moves in a row. After completion, remove the 5th exercise and repeat doing only the top ​4​ moves. Next, remove the 4th exercise and repeat doing the top ​3​ moves. Repeat pattern until you have ​de​-accumulated to just the 1st move.

Round 1

1. 12 Squats (Goblet or Jumps) 2. 12 Hand-Release Pushups 3. 12 Hollow Drops (lie on your back, legs straight and together, raise and lower your legs and feel your core burn- keep low back on ground!) 4. 12 Single Leg Bridges (Each)

5. 12 Inch-worms to Shoulder Tap (feet shoulder width)

Round 2

1. 12 Split Squats (Or Split Squat Jumps)

2. 12 Plank Rows (Or Plank T-Rotation)

3. 12 Starfish Crunch 4. 12 Single Leg Toe Tap (Each)

5. 12 Lateral Bear Crawls (Length of a fitness mat)


Mindset Fuel

Les Brown- You gotta be HUNGRY! :-)

Serving you, Coach Andrew and the Team

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1664 Bowmans Farm Road

Suite 104

Frederick, Maryland 21701

We are conveniently 

located on the same road as the MVA of Frederick, MD, just 2 miles from Downtown Frederick!

Monday: 5:30 am - 7:30 pm
Tuesday: 5:30 am - 7:30 pm
Wednesday: 5:30 am - 7:30 pm
Thursday: 5:30 am - 7:30 pm
Friday: 5:30
 am - 6:30 pm
Saturday: 7:30 am - 1 pm

Phone: (240) 341-2921

Thanks for submitting!

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Player's Fitness And Performance

 © 2020 by Player's Fitness and Performance 

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