Reopening Safety Procedures!
PFP Family :-)
We are thrilled to be at the point where we are so close to reopening our doors safely.
Thank you for your confidence and trust that we are doing this right. It is so great to have a community of people like you. If anything, the past 13 weeks have made the PFP Way of doing business 10X better- you will see for yourself.
Below, you will find the PFP Cleanliness and Safety Standard Plan for the first two weeks after reopening. We will have an exact date for you within the next few business days.
Please read it and ask us any questions you would like.
This week:
1. PFP Team will be in the gym cleaning, organizing, and preparing the gym you our guests. A few upgrades, a few changes, and a bit of re arranging. It is going to be AWESOME.
2. PFP will be receive the highest-level of gym cleaning possible- every square inch will be dis-infected
3. We will be sending out the most important survey. Please look for it!!!!
Player’s Fitness and Performance Cleanliness and Safety Standard
Phase 1. First 2-weeks of opening.
Cleaning Protocols- In addition to our existing continuous cleaning protocols, we are adding deep cleaning and disinfecting of the entire facility 3 times per day which includes the gym areas, the bathrooms, the meeting rooms, and the welcome area. We have upped our complete gym deep cleaning from 2 times per week to 5 times per week. We will be using a professional company for this. We have also purchased brand new mats, pads, and bands.
Exercise Boundaries- We will have clearly marked areas for each class to eliminate crossing paths of different sessions that are running. We have purchased more barriers in order to prevent athlete classes from interfering with adults.
Disinfection Procedures- Medical grade, EPA registered disinfectant which is designated effective against COVID 19 will be used for all our continuous and deep-cleaning processes.
Sanitation Stations- There will be “sanitation stations” located throughout the facility, they will be clearly marked for you to use.
Sanitation Expectations- Guests/Members will be asked to use hand sanitizer upon arrival and frequently throughout their visit. Hand sanitizers will also be available throughout the facilities. Guests/Members will be asked to wipe down equipment before and after use.
Temperature Checks- Please take your temp at home. If above 100.4 please do not come in to workout that day. Get after it at home :-)
Limited Capacity- We are limiting the number of people we are allowing in the gym at any given time to allow for appropriate physical distancing. We are doing this by spreading class times out.
We ask that you arrive to your appointment on time (and not early), to avoid bottlenecks and congregation.
If you are waiting for a FST appointment, you are welcome to wait in the lobby. Erik will use a mask during ALL FST appointments.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)- Our staff will be provided with face masks which will be required to be worn at all times. Per the laws and guidelines for gyms, guests/members will not be required.
Going Contactless- There will be no sign-in sheet at the front desks and our Directors of First Impression will visually check you in. For convenience and to minimize contact, members will be asked to use their credit card on file for purchases.
Front Desk Etiquette- Hand sanitizer use will be highly recommended prior to entering the gym. Visual check-in will allow for safe and seamless entry to the club. Cubbies are designated for only one clients’ personal items at a time.
Classes and sessions will still last 60-minutes but we will have a 15 minute gap in between so that our Cleaning Crew (team members and coaches) can clean equipment as well as allow a seamless exchange for you entering the facility and exiting.
Gym Etiquette- To facilitate physical distancing, we will reduce equipment available for use. Members will be asked to practice physical distancing etiquette during training sessions. Trainers and instructors will remain six feet away from clients and all cueing and corrections will be done verbally. Virtual Personal Training will continue to be available on ZOOM.
Please wipe down your equipment immediately after using it (mats, Dumbbells, bars, etc.)
Gloves are recommended- reusable workout gloves can be bought at the front desk at $5 a pair.
High fives, hugs, and handshakes will not be initiated by a staff member.
There will be hand sanitizing stations throughout Player’s Fitness and Performance. Please be sure to wash your hands when complete with your workout.
We will have a limited number of classes the first 2-weeks. Please check the schedule on Mindbody. It is likely to be adjusted.
We will have limited hours for the first 2-weeks. Check the Mindbody App and lock in your spot in advance as we are 100% sure classes will fill up.
We will let you know exact date of reopening within the next few days so that you can go in and schedule! 1 on 1 clients are able to schedule now.
Clean-up after yourself immediately upon finishing every set!
Have additional questions, comments, or concerns? Please email or
Serving you,
Coach Andrew and your PFP Team