Lacking Inward Peace?
Inward Peace
Recently I was at a conference and this one talk rocked my soul.
The Pace of Grace.
Are you going so fast that the word peace is often far from your vocabulary?
Are your thoughts running so quickly that a senes of inward calm seems increasingly elusive?
Yes and yes is the answer. After months of being quarantined, many have found themselves right back into the hustle.
Busy is an addiction, "go for more" is our condition, and is causes an affliction.
Here is what got me.
Too Fast of Pace = 1) Missed Moments 2) Missed Meaning 3) Missed Miracles
Today is Friday, August 14th.
On September 14th, what do you really want?
More tasks and to-do's, or more inward peace?
If you want the ladder, adopt this phrase as I have:
Pace directly affects Peace, and Peace is True Prosperity.
Dedicated to your success and peace,
Andrew and the PFP Team
Want more inspiration from Coach Andrew?
Check out his brand new book, The Youth Truth: Coaching and Parenting Leadership In Today's CRAZY Youth Sports World.