Frustrating for a Parent
We’ve designed PFP to partner up with you, the parent, to build your child up into a remarkable, high-performing, and high-character young man or woman. I want to share with you something that will be incredibly helpful for the relationships within your family and the long-term success of your children. This is something we talk about a lot among our coaching staff... The Feedback Loop is Long For example, our coaches start every single session with an inspirational, motivational message that cuts into the physical workout time. These messages are on topics like “how to be a better communicator”, “how to get out of your head”, and “how to survive and thrive during the inevitable storms of life”. Our coaches share vulnerable stories, analogies, ask questions, use their influence to encourage interaction, and even have the students do writing exercises. Whatever it takes to make a lasting impact. But you know what? The Feedback Loop is Long. Some kids seem “checked out” during certain messages. Some seem like they are uninterested or unfocused. Sometimes we question, “is it working? Is it worth doing this strange, uncommon thing that no other coaches do?” When you are alone, it is easy to question yourself. But we stick with it because without fail, we always end up hearing a testimonial months later from a parent of that exact student who took the lesson to heart and applied it. We have dozens and dozens of emails, texts, and hand-written letters from parents and kids that confirm it is working. I do not share that to shine a spotlight on us, I share it to encourage you to be uncommon. When you lead your students or children in uncommon ways , there are almost ALWAYS positive benefits somewhere down the line. It may be far down the line, but it is always worth it. I know a mom and dad who have made a decision to prioritize the relationships within their family over involvement in every activity. They prioritize their personal relationships with each child, their children’s relationships with one another, and the family as a whole. They intentionally refrain from signing their kids up for every sport, activity, and event that scatters their kids all throughout the state of Maryland and constantly sends them in different directions. If it infringes on too much quality family time, which they discern by observing internal family symptoms, they courageously say “NO”. Do their kids complain? Probably sometimes, because they are kids and they do not see the long-term payoff, yet. But, these parents are different. They do not fear their kids missing out and they are not afraid of rejection from their kids. Why? Because they know that the Feedback Loop is Long. Eventually, these kids will see the benefits and will raise their own family uncommonly. It is all about teaching. It is all about equipping them. It is all about making tough calls, being patient, and doing the prep work for a beautiful future. Lean on us at PFP to reinforce some of the very same lessons you want to be ingrained in the minds and hearts of your children. Whatever it is, we can echo your words. Just let us know by sending one of our coaches a note. 4 am, 10 pm, or at midnight. We are here for you and your children. All the best, Coach Andrew and the PFP Team