Player's Fitness and Performance Google Review Giveaway!
Good morning! Will you help us reach our goal and in turn, get entered to win 2 FREE WEEKS of training at PFP??
This is for past AND current guests at PFP!
If you are loving the benefits you are receiving from PFP, would you mind hopping on quick and leaving us a review?
Our goal is to get to 100 reviews by the end of October!
1. Type Player’s Fitness and Performance into google or click on this button--> Leave a Google Review
2. Scroll down, and on the right hand side you will see "write a review"
3. Click on the gold stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (hopefully 5)
4. Write "details" about your review
BONUS: Add a picture if you'd like :-)
We will announce the winner at the end of October!
Thank you for going out of your way to do that. We have found that there are a lot of people right now in Frederick County who need the results, relationships, and transformation we are providing.
You are AWESOME!
Grateful for you,
Coach Andrew and the PFP Team