Small Decisions Make Big Differences
"People who seem to have a great life are being rewarded in public for what they practiced in private."
Over time, little differences make a big difference.
Your little decision each day to say "I'm proud of you," rather than, "You could have done that better"
Your little decision each day to give more compliments than criticisms to your spouse and kids
Your little decision each day to go for a walk when you feel like watching television
Your little decision each day to pray rather than scroll
Your little decision each day to exercise, eat healthy, and avoid bad food
Your little decision to close out each day by journaling and reflecting
It is the small things that are really the big things. People who seem to have a great life are being rewarded in public for what they practiced in private. Moment after moment, day after day, week after week. Some of us just need that daily reminder to keep on track. You can get it by reading, listening to podcasts, journaling, or praying. Some of us just need to be connected to friends or others who inspire us through their example. Some of us want more and we go get that next level of support and accountability- we decide to get a coach. Whatever you need to do to ensure you begin making wiser little decisions every single day, do it. You know yourself best, and sometimes you talk yourself out of wise decisions. A year from today your life could be exponentially better. This is what hangs in the balance of small decisions. What are you going to do with this great day? Dedicated to your joy and success, Andrew and your PFP Team
Frederick, MD
Player's Fitness and Performance